
Update on the walnut tree

Following a few requests for an update, the Board wanted to update all in the tree following damage from recent weather activity. Our preferred contractors have applied for permission from the tree officer to do both the emergency work and some maintenance (Crown reduction and lifting) to help prevent future damage to the tree. We are still waiting for a reply from the tree officer. When we have permission Welton Tree Services will be booking the cherry picker (by far the safest way to do tree work at such heights) both sets of work will be carried out on the same day thus making best use of the funds available , to do the emergency work now and then the routine work later would double the cost to us, but there may be a wait for the cherry picker to become available. The Directors thank residents for their patience. We will keep residents updated with any news as we get it.

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Update on long running legal claim for unpaid Service Charge (SC)

The Board wish to update the community that a long running legal claim against a property owner for failure to pay their SC has concluded with the property owner deciding to pay all what is owed - shortly before the court hearing was due to commence. The Board is glad the property owner finally decided to meet their obligations in full including court costs and hope that this means that in future their commitments will be fulfilled when requested. The Directors will always try to be understanding and flexible for customers who are struggling to pay the SC due to financial circumstances but they do have a legal commitment to ensure that legal financial commitments of the property owners are met. The Board wish to thank the community for their support.

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Use of motorised vehicles on the amenity land in the Park

The Directors wanted to ensure the whole community that they are aware of the recent use of motorised vehicles on the amenity land in Nocton Park. We have received numerous complaints and the Board wanted to reassure the community that the Board will be writing to the members of the community who are undertaking this activity as it is considered both a risk to the user of these motorised vehicles and the community walking in the area as well as the risk of damage to the amenity area. The Directors wanted to ask all that the use of these motorised vehicles on the amenity area is not permitted without the express permission of the Board. Thank you to all for the support.

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Parking on pavements and verges - polite request

The Board would like to politely make the Park residents aware about the recurring issue we are facing about parking on payments and verges. There would seem to have been an increase recently which is both causing damage to the curb edge which will be costly to replace by NPML but it is also causing our Grass Cutting Contractors significantly problems with cutting areas which results in some grass verges not being cut. This in addition causes some issues to members of the community who have mobility issues or push children's pushchairs. The Directors fully appreciate that often parking can be difficult for some properties and they sympathise with some households with multiple cars with limited spaces available. Whilst the Board do understand that the pavement parking is not deliberately done to cause problems, unfortunately it is now affecting the grass cutting and causing damage. We are sure that while the Highway Code does state that parking on the pavement is not permitted unless there is clear siding permitting it, sometimes it would appear that there no other choices. All the Board ask for is consideration of the impact that parking on pavement is causing and consider using alternative places. Many thanks for your help and consideration.

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Football nets damaged

For the note of the community, unfortunately the Park has been a victim of vandalism again and the football nets have been damaged. The Board will review if they can be repaired and then make a decision going forward.

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Data Protection complaint - NPML found to have acted wholly in line with the law

The Board do wish to make the community aware that a complaint was made to the Information Commissioners Office - various allegations were made that NPML and the Managing Agent acted contrary to the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 requirements in regard to the way personal data has been handled. The Board do wish to state that the ICO have thoroughly investigated all the complaints and have found that the NPML did follow their legal obligations and the complaints / allegations have in effect been dismissed. The Board and the Managing Agent do wish to reiterate that they will at all times follow the data protection rules and laws, and will ensure that any personal data of the community is properly protected and managed accordingly.

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Tennis nets - vandalism

The Board wish to make the community aware that unfortunately the tennis net has been vandalised and damaged beyond repair. It is clear that someone has taken strong wire cutters and a knife to damage the net to such an extent they cannot be repaired. The net was only replaced a couple of months ago at a cost in excess of £100. The Board have taken the decision to not replace the net yet, and consider their options after taking into the viewpoints of the community. Whilst we note some in the community will be very disappointed by the decision not to replace the net immediately, we are sure that all in the community understand that the Board have to consider the continual expenditure carefully. We are all very disappointed and saddened by the vandalism for no reason whatsoever.

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First large scale arboricultural work of Spring

We wanted to let all know that our appointed Grass Cutting and Arboricultural Contractor has undertaken the first large scale work of Spring - they were able to clear a large amount of brambles that had been causing an issue and looked a mess. They are next due on the 24 June 2022 at which they will be undertaking some of the repairs and work on the trees damaged by the storms in February 2022 - it has taken longer than hoped as we had to wait for official permission from NKDC as the trees had protected orders on them.

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Section 20 Consultation with the Flat Lease owners on the Soffits and Facias works later in the year

We wanted to let all the community know that the Board have begun a formal section 20 consultation with the Flat Lease owners in regard to the large building project reviewing, repairing and replacing (where necessary) the soffits and facias on the blocks of Flats. As the cost per Flat Lease will be in excess of £250, NPML is required to go through a formal consultation to allow the Flat lease holders to submit their comments on the works. Following this the Board will commence a tender project and invite interested contractors.

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May 2022 Park Newsletter

We have sent to all properties a May 2022 newsletter which provides information and update on recent works and activities that has recently been undertaken in the Park. We have emailed those properties to which we have an email address and for the remaining properties we have posted a copy. If any households have not received a copy of the newsletter and they wish to have one, please can they contact enquiries@noctonpark.co.uk and one can be sent.

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New trees for the Park

We are delighted to say that we have been successful in our application for 30 trees from the Woodland Trust - a mixture of crab apple, silver birch and rowan. The Board are currently deciding where to plant them but are considering planting them between the tennis courts and the ditch. But we are of course open to suggestions!

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Notice about unauthorised grass cutting

The Board would like to inform the whole community that WELTON TREE SERVICES are the only authorised grass and arboricultural contractors of the Board of NPML for the main Park and amenity area. Mr John Brooks is the authorised grass contractor for the the Flats grassed areas. If any other person or organisation is seen cutting any grassed area of the Park, they are not undertaking this with the authority of the Board of Directors and thus any damage or issue caused is not under the responsibility of NPML. Any queries please contact on the usual contact of enquiries@noctonpark.co.uk who can clarify further.

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Community request and timetable for grass cutting

We have agreed with the grass cutting contractors the following timetable for the grass cutting - this is to allow the community to be aware when the contractors will be on site. Please can the community ensure that no cars on parked on verges when the contractors are on site to ensure that all targeted areas can be worked upon. The dates are: 1) April 29th 2) May 9th 3) June 1st and 16th 4) July 6th and 20th 5) August 10th and 24th 6) September 10th and 21st 7) October 5th and 19th Please note that these dates are an estimate an may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Many thanks.

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Major work and refurbishment on the Play Park on Thursday 28 April 2022

Just to let the community know that the long awaited work on the play park which was highlighted in the safety inspection report in January 2022 will start on Thursday, 28 April 2022. While the work is undertaken the play park will be closed to allow for the safety maintenance and repair work.

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Further update on grass cutting - 19 April 2022

Following the grass cutting last week, we do wish to note that while the Contractors we have engaged with undertook some very hard, worthwhile and aesthetically pleasing; we do note that there was some areas that will require a better review for the next round of grass cuts. We appreciate that a few areas of the Park may need a more attentive work when the Contractors return in a few weeks. The aim is to have the grass cut every two weeks with some arboricultural work when needed. We do thank the Community of their patience and appreciate of the issues at hand.

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Update on grass cuts and arboricultural work - 12 April 2022

The Board are very glad to update the community on the grass cutting schedule we have agreed with the new contractor. As the Board have stated previously the delay was caused by the Contractor suffering a close bereavement and it put the schedule back a few weeks - the Board however very much appreciates the frustration this has caused to the community but hopes the community can understand it was an unforeseen delay. The first grass cut on the main playing area will be Thursday 14 April 2022 at which the contractor will ensure the whole field is cut. The remaining areas of the Park will be cut on Sunday 24 April which includes the NPML responsible areas. The first main arboricultural work has been scheduled for 15 and 16 June 2022 at which the contractor is bringing large pieces of equipment including a cherry picker to work on the trees and other works needed.

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Removal of tennis nets - 07 April 2022

We just wanted to let the community know that due to wear and tear, the tennis nets have been removed to ensure that there is no health and safety issue. We will be sourcing a new net in due course and it will be installed soon thereafter.

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Works on the Park - update 06 April 2022

The Boards wish to update the community on the grass cutting and arboriculture work on the Park. We had hoped to get the first major cut undertaken in the last week but due to a sudden bereavement in the sub-contractor's family this has unfortunate especially with the Easter Holidays upon us. While this is somewhat frustrating (albeit the Board do wish to send condolences to the Contractor). We have been assured the first cut will be taken before Easter. We have also booked the first major arboriculture work for later spring.

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New Cleaning Contractor for Flats - 02 April 2022

The Board wish to announce that it has taken the decision to review the current provision for the contract for the cleaning of the Flats. It has decided that they will be changing the contractor as it feels a change would be in the best interests of NPML. They wish to announce that have appointed Mr John Brooks as the cleaning contractor on a one year contract.

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Insurance on the Flats in the Park - 31 March 2022

We have had a confirmation from the Insurers that now that the work on the flats has been fully completed as recommended in the survey report, they are happy to fully restore the original insurance coverage and premium for the flats.

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Works on Flats - Completed. 24 March 2022

The Board wish to confirm that the work that was scheduled and required from the Insurers has been fully completed. We have notified the Insurers to ensure that the insurance coverage agreed will continue. The next big project on the Flats will be the soffits and facias and the Board will begin proper consultation with the Flat Lease Owners in due course with the aim to get a full tender process launched in late spring.

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Works commence on the Flats on the issues identified in the Survey Report - 21 March 2022

As some of the residents of the Park would have seen, the Contractors appointed by the Board for the works on the Flats identified in the Survey Report, have begun their work today. It is anticipated that the work will take 3-4 days. The Board appreciates that there may be some inconvenience for some of the Flats but hope that everyone can understand. However if there is any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Grass contractor appointed for the Flats in Nocton Park - 21 March 2022

The Board are delighted to announce that Mr John Brooks has agreed to continue to manage the grass cutting needs of the flats. He knows the area very well and through a working dialogue the Board and Mr Brooks have been able to ensure that the Flats will receive the high standard of work they deserve. We look forward to a continued good working relationship between the parties.

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New Contractor for the grass cutting and arboriculture work in Nocton Park - 15 March 2022

The Board are delighted to announce that following invitations to various contractors for expressions of interests for the contract to deliver the grass cutting and arboriculture work in Nocton Park, they wish to state that Welton Tree Services Ltd have been appointed as the preferred contractor for this work for the Park. As an experienced contractor in this field, the Board are looking forward to building a constructive working relationship with this company for the benefit of the whole community. They will not only be responsible for the grass cutting in the NPML responsible areas, they will also be managing the impact and work of the trees with TPOs that were damaged in the recent storms. They will be liaising with North Kesteven District Council to ensure that all works are done with the right permissions.

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Resignation of Mr Nick Kay as a Director of NPML - 12 March 2022

The Board of Nocton Park Management Ltd wish to announce that Mr Nick Kay has resigned from the Board of Directors. He has stated that due to personal and work commitments he doesn't feel that he has enough time to commit to the role of Director in the capacity he feels it warrants and thus wishes to resign from his role. The Board have reluctantly accepted his resignation from the Board. The Chair of the Board has stated, on behalf of the Board, that they wish to place on record their sincere thanks for the work that Mr Kay has undertaken in the role and the good work that the Board has recently undertaken is in no small part due to Mr Kay's commitment. Mr Kay stated that: "Much has been achieved over the last 6 months bringing NPML onto a far more secure footing. My thanks go to the whole team and I wish every success in the future as they continue the stirling work." The Board wish him well and he leaves with the thanks of the community. If there are any person's wishing to join the Board, please can they email me at their first instance.

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