As some of the residents of the Park would have seen, the Contractors appointed by the Board for the works on the Flats identified in the Survey Report, have begun their work today. It is anticipated that the work will take 3-4 days. The Board appreciates that there may be some inconvenience for some of the Flats but hope that everyone can understand. However if there is any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Read MoreThe Board are delighted to announce that Mr John Brooks has agreed to continue to manage the grass cutting needs of the flats. He knows the area very well and through a working dialogue the Board and Mr Brooks have been able to ensure that the Flats will receive the high standard of work they deserve. We look forward to a continued good working relationship between the parties.
Read MoreThe Board are delighted to announce that following invitations to various contractors for expressions of interests for the contract to deliver the grass cutting and arboriculture work in Nocton Park, they wish to state that Welton Tree Services Ltd have been appointed as the preferred contractor for this work for the Park. As an experienced contractor in this field, the Board are looking forward to building a constructive working relationship with this company for the benefit of the whole community. They will not only be responsible for the grass cutting in the NPML responsible areas, they will also be managing the impact and work of the trees with TPOs that were damaged in the recent storms. They will be liaising with North Kesteven District Council to ensure that all works are done with the right permissions.
Read MoreThe Board of Nocton Park Management Ltd wish to announce that Mr Nick Kay has resigned from the Board of Directors. He has stated that due to personal and work commitments he doesn't feel that he has enough time to commit to the role of Director in the capacity he feels it warrants and thus wishes to resign from his role. The Board have reluctantly accepted his resignation from the Board. The Chair of the Board has stated, on behalf of the Board, that they wish to place on record their sincere thanks for the work that Mr Kay has undertaken in the role and the good work that the Board has recently undertaken is in no small part due to Mr Kay's commitment. Mr Kay stated that: "Much has been achieved over the last 6 months bringing NPML onto a far more secure footing. My thanks go to the whole team and I wish every success in the future as they continue the stirling work." The Board wish him well and he leaves with the thanks of the community. If there are any person's wishing to join the Board, please can they email me at their first instance.
Read MoreStorm and Tree Damage - The Board are fully aware of the impact of the recent storms which unfortunately has included damage to various trees in the Park. The Board have assessed the damage and are meeting with tree surgeons in due course to assess what needs to be done especially as the damaged trees have protection orders placed upon them.
Read MoreThe Board wish to ensure the Community are aware that the Playpark had a full safety inspection last month and the Board are currently planning the project to meet the necessary needs of the Play Park. This may include a full replacement of the flooring of the Play Park as well undertaking maintenance on the various parts. They have also ensured the recent storm damage to the fencing around the Play Park has been fixed.
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